Wine & Dine
A story goes thus. A psychiatrist was explaining the ill effects of alcohol to an audience filled with alcoholics and to demonstrate the effects he put a small worm in the alcohol beaker when it died. Asked about the moral of the story, a wise man in the crowd replied that boozing is good since it can kill the worms in the stomach. But it’s for die-hard alcoholics. Limited doses of wine may do some good. Especially the combination ‘Wine & Dine’…Want to take a cue from drinking! To have Wine and then to dine appears to be the best combination – virtually! If studies by Danish scientists are any indication go by. It has been reported that wine takers tend to buy healthy eatables such as more fruits, vegetables, Olives, low fat cheese than beer drinkers who are prompted to buy the opposite- high calorie foods. The study has been conducted by the National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen and the results are there to see. But nothing can deter the high spirits of Oktoberfest where gallons of beer are gulped in a moment. Right!