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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mudras as said earlier are different combinations of our fingers, which helps in curing many diseases and improved wellness. The basic underlying principle is that the five fingers represent the five elements of nature. The thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger represent Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water respectively. For any yoga related sitting posture, a lotus position or padmasan is recommended for better results. Yoga also relates to an erect positioning of spine and spinal wellness. Since the spine is considered to be the seat of the six Chakras or the important divine centres of our body, it's important that an erect posture for the spine is always recommended while sitting even in normal circumstances and to avoid any spinal injuries and damages.

1) Chin Mudra: Just touch the thumb with index finger. No pressure is necessary. A gentle touch is sufficient. This helps in increasing brain power, mental concentration and cures problems of Insomnia, tension and lack of concentration.

2) Vayu Mudra: Vayu means ‘Air’ in Sanskrit. Index finger pertains to the element air and therefore press the first mount of the index finger (after the finger is bent) on the base of thumb at the mount of Venus (the first mount). This is said to cure Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Parkinson’s disease and blood circulation deficiencies.

3) Shunya Mudra: Shunya means void and as it indicates emptiness, this implies space. The number Zero is called ‘Shunya’ in Hindi. Middle finger indicates space and is to be kept bent and pressed with the thumb at the mount of Venus (the first mount). If done for about 45 minutes, it hopes to cure deficiencies of ear and Vertigo.